Monday 2 October 2017

Homework - Monday 2nd Oct - All year groups

Monday 2nd Oct.'17

Leaving cert. art: Please finish off part c) of the 2014 art gallery question you started in class today - I will take this up on Tuesday as well as the 2015 exam paper question essay (do not forget to include drawings). In tomorrows class we will finish off the 6 box project.

Junior cert. art:  Please see note for J.Cert art group below with your new project themes.  Before Wednesdays art class I want you to research ideas, brainstorm and bring in images etc for the class so we can start the project. 

2nd Yr Art: Please continue developing your text/lettering style project which is due in this Friday.

5th Yr Art: Today we continued with Newgrange notes for art history. We started the NEW leaving cert. work project & a new project last week - I will be keeping the workbooks in school but for homework you are to research ideas, take photos, collect primary sources (from real life - ie: objects etc) experiment etc. You are starting now with the initial research sheet which is for BOTH the still life and the craft...then we will start the still life development sheet 1 and development sheet 2 and make the final still life piece.  After this we will do the same for the craft work.  This will take us up until 15th Dec. (10 weeks in total ) which is the exact amount of time that you would get to do your real official project next year.  It is important & vital that we do a trial run through this year.


  • Could everyone who has been coming to class last week WITHOUT their art equipment or art pad please be prepared and organized for class this week.  A note will be going home to partents/guardians if students are coming in without their art pad and work.

  • Do not leave art pads left in school over night - please leave in the art room or take them home with you.

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