Friday 24 January 2014

Revision - ROMANESQUE period - short questions - Leaving cert. work

The Romanesque Period
Revision Questions

Romanesque general Q’s:

1)    What is meant by the term Romanesque?
2)    Discuss the Church organistation.
3)    Monasteries  - what were they and what were the 2 prominent orders?
4)    What was a crusade & a crusader knight?
5)    What was life like in medieval Europe at this time (write 3 points)
6)    Write 10 points (number them) describing the typical characteristics of a Romanesque Church?

Romanesque Architecture

1)    Name a Romanesque Church you have studied (St mary magdeline in vezelay & cluny abbey)
2)    Write 10 sentences describing and discussing the Romanesque church you have name above.
   3) What is meant by Vaulting?

Romanesque Sculpture

1)    What was Romanesque sculpture?
2)    What are the main features of Romanesque Sculpture?
3)    Describe sculpture on Romanesque churches
      4) Name 3 Romanesque Sculptures you have studied (St Mary Magdalene in Vezelay - Saint – Lazare in Autun The Tympanum & The Weighing of Souls & The Last Judgement )

      5) Describe in detail two of sculptures you name in Q.4 & sketch.

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