Friday 24 January 2014

IRISH ART Section - Revision - short questions

Revision Questions
Midterm break October 26th – 5th Nov. 2012

Early Christian Ireland

1)    Write 10 sentences about early Christian Ireland
2)    Write a paragraph on early Christian architecture
3)    An eg of the above being: Round towers, beehive huts and church’s and monastic settlements – describe each of these and draw them.
4)    What was Skellig Michael co, Kerry , discuss and draw
5)    Discuss the Tara Brooch & draw
6)    Discuss and draw the Ardagh Chalice.  (do on copy paper)
7)    Write 2 pages on the book of kells and the two on the Cathach.(in copy paper)
8)    Write about manuscript production

The Bronze Age

1)    Write 10 sentences about the Bronze Age.
2)    Write a paragraph on bronze age architecture.
3)    Write a paragraph on decorative gold objects
4)    What is a) a sun disc b) lunula c)Torc  d) Dress fastener and draw each of them.
5)    What were the Beaker people?
6)    Objects from the bronze age are a)gold discs b)Gorget c)dress faster
           Discuss each object and draw it.
      7) What is a fibula, draw it.
8) Write a paragraph on the craftsmanship from the bronze age.

The Stone Age

1.    Write a paragraph about the Stone age
2.    Discuss Stone age technology:
3.    What is meant by the terms:
a) Mesolithic –b) Neolithic – c) Megalithic
4.    What is a portal Dolmen – Illustrate your answer (draw)
   5. What is a Court Cairn – Illustrate your answer (draw)
   6.   What is a passage Grave – Illustrate your answer (draw)

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