Friday 24 January 2014

Revision - GOTHIC period - short questions

Gothic Period
Revision Questions

What was the Gothic period? (write a paragraph)

Gothic architecture – cathedrals

1)    Gothic cathedrals – what was their purpose?
2)    Describe 7 features of Gothic style
3)    Name 2 eg’s of Gothic architecture
Give an eg of 2 gothic churches you have studied (Notre Dame, Paris & Chartres Cathedral, Paris )
4)    Discuss the Gothic cathedral Chartres cathedral in Paris & draw it
5)    Discuss the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris and draw it.
6)    Describe & discuss the Rose windows on the Chartres cathedral and draw it.


Gothic sculpture

1)    Write 3 sentences on gothic scultpture.
Name an eg of a Gothic sculpture you have studied and draw it (The Royal Portal at Chartres Cathedral, Paris)
3)    What is a column statue?
4)    What was the role of the saints in gothic sculpture?
5)    Describe & discuss the Royal portal on the Chartres cathedral, Paris.


Gothic stained Glass

1)    what was it?
2)    What technique was used?

3)    Give an eg of stained glass you have studied ( eg: rose windows at chartres cathedral)

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