Wednesday 13 April 2016

Leaving Cert. - Art History Homework | EXAM DATES | REMINDERS

Wed. 13th April -

For Friday 2014 Q.16 in the Art Appreciation Section - Into your hardback copy please.  As I mentioned on Monday ALL the previous questions & essays should be put into your folder & organized according the year.  I want to check that this is done next Monday.

As of Tuesday 19th we will be able to access the Exam papers online on so if possible pop down to me in the art room class 4 for 10mins so I can have a very quick chat with you about that, as I don't have you for class until Wed.  Then on Wed, everyone should be coming into class with some research, ideas & investigation into the theme & be clear about which craftwork theme you want to go with - then we start making the research (preliminary) sheet.  We will also need to practice the life sketching & still life exams.




Monday 9th May: 9.30 - 12.00 - STILL LIFE
                             12.20 - 1.20 - LIFESKETCHING

Wed. 11th May: 9.30 - 1200 (lunch) then second session is from 1.15 - 3.45 (be back from lunch at 1pm to get settled in) - CRAFTWORK

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