Monday, 19 October 2015

Leaving Cert homework - Monday 19th Oct

Monday 19th Oct;

Complete this exam paper question for Wednesday 21st Oct.  I will be collecting your hardback art history copies at the end of Wednesdays class as well as your final posters (you will get Wed's class to finish the poster off).  The poster will be marked as part of your Christmas test and the rest of the marks will be made up from the art history test (Irish art section - 50marks).

Exam papers 2013 - HL


The façade of a Gothic cathedral must have made a powerful impression on

approaching worshippers.

Discuss this statement with reference to one named Gothic cathedral you have studied.

In your discussion refer to architectural features and sculptural decoration.
Briefly describe the role of stained-glass in a Gothic cathedral.
Illustrate your answer.


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