Monday, 28 September 2015

Leaving Cert. Art

Monday 28th Sept.

I will collect your art history essay from last week on WED as well as your PREP. sheet which you worked on Thurs & Friday.

Please complete the following art history exam paper Q. for Wed. also:

2015 - Higher Level - IRISH ART SECTION

Q.1) The “Petrie Crown” illustrated on the accompanying sheet is an example of a remarkable
change in style that took place during the Iron Age.
Discuss this statement referring to the function, form, and style of the Petrie Crown, and to
the materials and techniques used in its production and decoration.
Name and describe one example of decorative stone carving from this period.
Illustrate your answer.

Marking Scheme:

A Discussion of statement. 10 5 for naming La Tène 5 for discussion
B Discussion of Petrie Crown with reference to function, form, style and to the materials and techniques used in its production and decoration. 20
C Name and description of one example of decorative stone carving from this period. 15 5 for named artefact 10 for description
D Sketches. 5
Total 50 marks

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