Monday 12 January 2015

Monday 12th Jan. - Homework & project work

Leaving Cert -
Today we went through the STILL LIFE marking scheme and looked at examples of still lifes looking at colour schemes, background ideas, technical skills.

Today in class everyone took 4-5 still life objects, set them up & also photographed these - you will have 2.5hours in your exam to do this so I am only giving you until this Friday to get it finished up.  You will have to keep an eye on the marking scheme throughout - everyone has this written at the back of their sheets.   I asked you all to sketch out the still life this evening & work on it until I see you again for class on Wed.

REMINDER - Anyone who has not handed up the POSTER from before Christmas can you bring it into me before Friday & also those left to hand up the rest of the 2006 Q. (revision) please hand this up to me on Wed. Bring sketch pads with you on Wed.


5th Years  -

  • Wed. 14th Jan - I will be taking up the STILL LIFE
  • Monday 19th Jan - I will be taking up the 'Doodle for Google' final completed designs.
  • Friday 27th Feb - The deadline for the TEXACO children's art comp.

  • Please bring your art history books & hardback copies in this Friday!


1st years -

  • Working on DOODLE FOR GOOGLE designs!
  • Deadline for both is Wed. 21st Jan.
  • Everyone should have their larger google deigns ready for this Wed. 14th Jan.


Junior Cert.
  • At this stage everyone should have all project work handed up - 1) prep sheet for painting 2) Final piece 3) Support studies 4) 3D prep sheet.
  • Supplies & clay arriving next week so from Monday on we will be starting working on 3D final pieces.
  • I need everyone to have ALL work up to date before I give out the 3D & clay supplies!
  • Also is anyone wants to show me project work during the week feel free at any time to pop into the art room & I will be happy to offer advice.

Second Years  -

  • This week you will be continuing working on the POSTERS  - Some fantastic work & ideas last week.
  • The final poster will be graded. & I have given out the deadline for this last week.
  • Continue the good work.

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