Tuesday 6 January 2015

5th year homework - Tues 6th Jan '15


As discussed in class on Monday this week you will be working on a STILL LIFE final piece, everyone choose 4 still life objects from the art room - you have an image of this that I asked you to draw out at home on monday evening & everyone should have their still life sketched out in pencil ready to start painting etc in Tues class. You will get one week - this week - to complete your still life - You only get 2.5hours in your exam!

Attached is the MARKING SCHEME which I discussed with you yesterday - please go through this carefully to familiarize yourself with it - Any questions on any section of this marking scheme let me know:

  Leaving Certificate 2010 Art Higher Level
Imaginative Composition or Still Life Total Marks 100
Candidates may present an Abstract Composition following either the Imaginative Composition or the Still Life option. Materials may include a wide variety of papers and media such as pencil, graphite, charcoal, ink and brush, crayons, paint, conté, etc. The combining of various media and materials is acceptable.


The degree to which the candidate visualizes and conveys the essence of the descriptive passage based on its sense and meaning in the design of an Imaginative Composition or Still Life arrangement.
Refer to
• the candidate’s statement
• relevance to the descriptive passage.

The degree to which the candidate composes and organises two-dimensional space.
Refer to
• arrangement of the elements in a personal, well-balanced harmonious Imag Comp or Still Life composition.
• organisational art elements: positive and negative space, balance, tension, contrast, scale etc.
• the translation of the candidate’s interpretation to a 2D representation on the A2 sheet in keeping with descriptive passage.

Art Elements
The degree to which the candidate utilises art elements to create an individual interpretation and expressive response to the chosen question.
Refer to
• employment of art elements: line, tone, shape, form, texture, colour
• where intended, the manner in which the 2D representation suggests 3D solidity by using any medium or technique (or combination), including line.

Personal Creative Response
The degree to which the candidate makes a unique and personal response to the question
Refer to
• the candidate’s individual style in the use of media and materials in response to the chosen question relating to the descriptive passage.
• media, style and expressive elements.

The Finished Work
The degree to which the candidate demonstrates proficiency in the technical and compositional elements employed
Refer to
• technical skills
• skills in relation to realising intentions
• overall impact of the finished piece

Total                                                     100 marks

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