Tuesday 16 December 2014

Tues 16th Dec - HOMEWORK

1st Year - Finish final pieces as best you can you also have the double on Wed. to do this & anyone who is finished we will be making Christmas decorations ie.snowflakes etc for the come dine with me evening Thursday night - so bring in any materials/ ideas etc for that.

2nd Year - As you were absent on TUESDAY 16th Dec, when you are back in class on wed 17th Dec. everyone should bring in the STILL LIFE fruit bowl drawing I gave to you do over the weekend.

3rd Year - Anyone not up to date with project work i.e. who have not handed in the final pieces or support studies yet please hand into me Wed. 17th Dec please, no later....
Everyone else please continue working on the 3D prep sheet , which I will look at on  Wed.

5th Year - Continue with final posters - anyone who has not finished DEV. sheet it needs to be wrapped up and handed in tomorrow, wed. 17th Dec.

6th Year - I asked you all to have the final posters ready for this Thursday so if everyone could continue working on these please and hand up Thurs - alternatively if you are not in on Thurs please hand up to me after the Christmas break.

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