Tuesday 4 November 2014

Tues 4th Nov. - 5th Year homework:

Art history class is on Friday - please make sure you are up to date with the notes on bronze age so far (see post a week ago - scroll through homepage) where you had to continue finishing off notes from class..........this MUST be done by Friday.

For Thurs: Another 15mins pose - this time from a life model -ask a friend/family member to pose for you for no longer than 15mins - use the measurements technique I showed you in class on Monday  which is focused on composition & proportions - use this as a guide - you will also need to add in shading to this drawing.

Marking scheme for 15min post:

A) Composition - 5marks
B) Proportions - 5marks
C) Tone - 5marks
D) Form/Volume - 5marks

Total - 20marks 
Time to complete - 15mins.

I will look for this homework on Thursday.

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