Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Junior Certificate - Project Work - Info & reminders!!

Everyone should have the following finished & handed up to me - ALL work had to be done before Christmas.

1) Prep. sheet for painting
2) Final painting
3) Artist
4) 3D Prep. sheet

After this you will focus on getting the rest of the project done:
5) 3D final piece
6) Book craft PREP sheet
7) Final bookcraft 
8) 3D artist & Bookcraft artist

  • We are waiting on a delivery of Clay at the moment so this week everyone should be finishing off any of the above - no's 1), 2), 3) & 4) and any work that needs to be tidied up or tweaked.  
  • I spoke to everyone individually today about their project work and advised everyone what area of the project needs to be fixed up/finished so all changes need to be complete by Friday 9th Jan.! 
  • Once the clay and supplies arrive we will start straight into making the 3D pieces - you will get three weeks to complete these so final ideas and decisions need to be made this week.  Those of you not using clay can start the 3D final piece as long as the previous project work has been handed up.

IMPORTANT: Could anyone who arrived to class today without project work remember to bring it in to class tomorrow! If you do not have your sketchpad or any project work on Wed. please provide a note from home to explain.
It is very important that everyone keeps on track with project deadlines as we will soon be into the midterm break - Friday 13th Feb. and the 3D piece and Bookcraft prep. sheet needs to be finished by then!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All project work has to be complete and finished by April 17th 2015 - no extensions can be given on this date, this date is final. After this we will put stickers & labels on all of your work and organize into the grey envelopes with examination numbers etc. We will need one double and one single class to do this as it takes time.

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