Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Reminder for Third Year Art

A final reminder that the FINAL deadline for your final pieces is this Friday 28th of Nov. I cant give any more time to work on this so this deadline is final, if work is not handed up I will be speaking to the year head.

Anyone finished the final piece is to move on now to the Support Studies for the artist - for this you will need to choose an artist who is a painter or illustrator  that REALTES to your chosen theme- you have until Friday 5th of DEC to get this finished up - it should be a range of images of the artists work, in opening paragraph you need to explain why you choose that particular artist, how it relates to your theme or what you did for your first prep sheet & final painting & also some background information on the artist - you should have one page of TEXT, 3-4 image of the artists work and one drawings or painting of one of those images (of the artists work) say roughly A4 size.

The DEADLINE for the 3D prep sheet is WED 17th of Dec. as this needs to be finished up before the Christmas holidays.

After the Christmas break you will be starting to make your 3D final piece - this can be made from mixed materials, wire, clay, paper Mache etc...whatever suits your creation. You will have THREE weeks to finish.

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