Tuesday 1 April 2014

Tues 1st April - Homework

2nd Year Art - Everyone to finalize bookcraft designs for covers, and move onto the fourth drawing - I will be looking for 4 complete for Thursday.

5th Year Art - Fantastic ideas so far, but the text design is lacking, please finalize these design for Wed 2nd and have sketches to show me with 2-3 options for your text design.

6th Year Art - Everyone to design lettering for one of the following - 'Space' or 'Identity' Writing styles started in class so finish as homework & I will look at these tomorrow - need to be inventive, skillful and creative.
Reminder -  Art history tomorrow so bring in books/copies etc

3rd Year Art - Everyone that still has to hand up work, who is not up to date needs to have it in by Friday at the latest.  Remember the deadline for the project is 9th april next wed. - Project work after this date will not be accepted.
Everyone at this stage should be finishing their bookcraft and last 2 artists - 3D & Bookcraft artist on same page. 

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