Thursday 20 March 2014


Project Check List - This project is 300marks, which is worth 75% of the overall Art examination, Drawing exams (still life & portrait takes place the first week in May)

-Portrait Drawing - 50marks
- Still life Drawing - 50marks
-Project - 300marks - 75%

1) Prep. for painting
2) Final painting
3) Artist for painting
4) Prep. for 3D piece (clay/mixed media sculpture or 3D piece)
5) Final 3D piece (your clay piece/wire/mixed media 3D piece)
6) Prep for Bookcraft
7) Final Bookcraft
8) Artist for 3D & Bookcraft (on the one A2 sheet, half it)

9) Portrait Drawing exam (takes place in the first 2 weeks of May)
10) Still life Drawing (also will take place in the first 2 weeks in May)

- Students are encouraged to practise the still life object drawing as well as portrait drawing alongside project work in preparation for the drawing examinations in May.  These two drawings are 100mark

  • All students should now be working on their Bookcraft final piece & finishing off & decorating their Bookcraft prep sheet also.

  • All work MUST be handed up to teacher on WED 9th APRIL.  This work will then be labelled and filled into the grey envelopes.  The teacher will then double check all the work is complete.  You will get your project back on Friday 11th April.
  • This submission date is the final deadline!!!!

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