Tuesday 11 February 2014

Life sketching marking scheme - Leaving Cert.

Leaving Certificate Art Higher Level
Life Sketching Total 50 marks

Materials may include a variety of papers and media including pencil, graphite, charcoal, ink and brush,
crayons, paint, conte, etc. The combining of various media and materials is acceptable

Pose 1:
Short pose (15 mins) 20 marks: a wide range of approach appropriate to Higher Level is acceptable including swift gesture drawings. Indicating the background context is acceptable.

A Composition 5marks
composition: use of the sheet as a whole; use of positive and negative
Refer to
personal creative response: the full figure must be attempted in the pose
as stated in the examination paper.

B Proportion 5marks
 anatomical correctness of the drawing: the relationship of parts to the
Refer to

C Tone/Line 5marks
 use of light and shade in chosen medium as an integral aspect of
depiction of three-dimensional form.
Refer to
shading or line quality/weight; creative use of media.

D Form/Volume 5marks
 the 2D representation of the 3D solidity of the body through the use of
any medium or technique, or combination, including line.
Refer to

Total: 20marks

Long Pose 2 (30 mins): 30 Marks: a more detailed study of the body: head and shoulders or complete figure.
Both very detailed drawings and strong expressive drawing are acceptable.

A Composition 6marks
Composition: use of negative space, the sheet as a whole, indicating the
background context is acceptable. Individual interpretation of and personal
expressive response to the complete figure or head and shoulders/half figure
option as stated in the pose: personal selection of material and media.
Refer to

B Proportion 6marks
Anatomical correctness of the drawing: (the relationship of parts to the whole)
of the complete figure or head and shoulders/half figure option as stated in the
pose; full figure or head and shoulders should be attempted.
Refer to

C Tone/Line 6marks
Use of light and shade in chosen medium and materials as an integral aspect of
the drawing; line drawing leading to individual interpretation and expressive
response; individual interpretation and expressive response/personal selection
of material and media-style.
Refer to

D Form/Volume 6marks
 How the 2D representation suggests the 3D solidity of the body by using any
medium or technique, including line, leading to individual interpretation and
expressive response.
Refer to

E Detail 6marks
The detailed treatment of aspect/s of the figure as an integral part of the
drawing of the complete figure or head and shoulders/half figure option as
stated in the pose.
Refer to
Overall impact of the finished piece.
How the candidate demonstrates proficiency in technical and compositional
elements in order to create a personal individual response .

Total – 30marks

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