Friday 24 January 2014

The BRONZE AGE - revision worksheet

The Bronze Age
Revision Worksheet

1)  Write 10 sentences about the Bronze Age – (background info/about the bronze age)

2)  Write a paragraph on bronze age architecture.

3)  Write a paragraph on decorative gold objects

4)  What is a) a sun disc b) lunula c)Torc d) Gorget and draw each of them.

5)  What were the Beaker people?

6)  What was meant by the term ‘la tene’?

7)  Discuss Bronze Age metalwork.

8)  Name & describe the main 3 Bronze age decoration methods.

9)  Objects from the bronze age are a)gold discs b)Gorget c)Fibula (dress fastener)
Discuss each object and draw it.

10) Write a paragraph on the craftsmanship from the bronze age.

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