
Health & Safety

Magh Ene College Art Department
               Provision for Health and Safety Requirements:
Teacher: Z. Mc Daid

-       In the Art room, all machinery, equipment, tools, materials and hand tools comply with current health and safety regulations.

-       Each room has the standard fire drill procedure displayed as well as first Aid kit

·        Sharp knives & cutters:
1)      Pupils instructed in safe use of knives and cutters
2)      Knives and cutters checked for damaged blades or handles once per term and disposed of if damaged
3)      Knives and cutters stores  separately to other equipment
4)      Knives and cutters counted out to pupils and counted back in at end of class
5)      Knives are washed in sinks separately from other items of equipment and never left soaking in sink

·         Cleaning procedures:
1)     Daily cleaning regime in place to minimise clay dust
2)     Cleaners and caretakers are informed of safe working procedures for cleaning areas that may contain clay dusts
3)     Dry sweeping of clay dust not advisable
4)     Protective clothing/coats/aprons cleaned regularly to prevent clay dust build up


·       Electrical equipment:
1)     Defective electrical equipment shall be clearly identified, labelled as out of use, and stored separately to prevent accidental use.
            Visual checks carried out as follows:
2)     Tools/appliance
          • On/off switch is working correctly
          • No signs of damage to casing
          • No loose parts or missing screws
          • Live parts are properly guarded so as not to be inadvertently accessible
3)     Cables
          • Securely anchored to the plug with no signs of cuts, frays, brittleness, leads kinked or coiled,  
            taped joints, overloading (overheating indicated by colour change or smell), cable cores not
            externally visible
4)     Plug
      • Securely anchored, no sign of cracked casing, overheating, loose or bent pins
5)     Socket outlet
       • No cracks or damage or sign of overheating
6)     Report defects to person in control of the workplace to ensure all items are repaired or replaced. Where power tools are used off the mains supply the source of supply must be fitted with an RCD (residual current device)Tools and other portable equipment are only plugged into a circuit protected by an RCD.

·       Slips, Trips, Falls:

1)       Spills dealt with immediately
2)     Absorbent material used to soak up the spill
3)     School equipment is stored tidily.
4)     School bags stored tidily
5)     Pupil belongings on hooks, placed in lockers or safely under desks
6)     Floors and access routes are kept clear
7)     Proper lighting is provided
8)     No trailing cables and hose
9)     Electrical outlets sited to avoid trailing cables
10)  Repairs carried out and steps taken to prevent future damage
11)  Broken furniture removed from service until repaired or replaced
12)  Cleaning is organised to provide dry paths through areas being cleaned


·       Fire Procedures:
1)     All teachers know the schools fire drill procedures and how to raise the alarm and contact the emergency services
2)     Solvents or other highly flammable materials stored in metal cabinets
3)     Combustible materials must be stored in appropriate conditions as per manufacturer’s storage guidelines. Waste materials cleared away after each class and disposed of appropriately.
4)       Fire extinguisher(s) in place, suitable for the fire type and serviced annually.
5)       All fire doors are marked with ‘Fire door, keep closed’ safety sign
6)       Fire exit doors checked weekly to ensure they open properly
7)       Exit routes kept free from obstruction
8)       School emergency evacuation plan has been developed which covers all areas, processes and identifies those people who may be at special risk e.g. visually impaired or those working in noisy environments. This plan has been brought to the attention of school users on a regular basis.


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